
Herbs of the Old World

Since this has come up before (Martin in "Into the Fray," and Oskar in "Happy Days in Marienburg,") presented herein is a (semi-) exhaustive list

The purpose of this appendix is to provide information on the various plants that grow within the Empire and surrounding mountains from which herbal remedies and poisons can be extracted.  A number of the herbs described below were first described in either Shadows Over Bögenhafen (Hogshead version), pages 36-37, or Apocrypha Two: Charts of Darkness, pages 79-81.  The various toxins and deleriants have not been described in a similar fashion, other than Nightshade and Graveroot.

With respect to deleriants (WFRP1e, page 82), these poisons share one common effect.  After consuming one or more doses of this type of herb, a character suffers from mild hallucinations and must pass a WP test.  Failure means that the character picks up 1D6 Insanity Points.  Other effects are described with the appropriate entry below.

Toxins extracted from particular plants can be deadly to specific types of creatures as detailed below.  If these are used on other creatures, the victims will suffer stomach cramps and nausea, the severity of which depends upon the dosage ingested or the GM’s whim.  Plant toxins are usually added to food or drink, but they can be rendered into a resin to be used as blade venoms.


Madman's Cap
Availability: Very rare, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 4 GCs (in season) and 8 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: Not applicable
Skills: Prepare Poison
Tests: Int
Effects: After consuming one to three doses of this deliriant based on a mushroom that grows in the mouths of caves, a character must make a successful Poison test or become groggy and disoriented (drowsy) with all percentage characteristics reduced buy 10 for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the creature's T attribute (with an additional hour for each dose over the first).  If more than three doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the character is rendered unconscious for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character's T attribute, after which the character is drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.

Forests: Coniferous


Availability: Scarce, Summer & Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosages: 1 week
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: Halves the healing time for breaks and dislocations.


Availability: Rare, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 2 GCs (in season) and 8 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: Not applicable
Skills: Prepare Poison
Tests: None
Effects: After consuming one dose of this deleriant, a character must make a successful Poison test or be drowsy for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute.  If more than one dose is taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the character dies.


Availability Common, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 15/- (in season) and 5 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear (external)/ Brew (internal)
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 week
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int and see below
Effects: Characters suffering the effects of critical wounds may be treated to stop further bleeding, both internally and externally.  If the character administering the does makes a successful Int test, all bleeding stops immediately.  If failed, the bleeding continues for another 1D4+1 rounds before stopping.


Availability: Scarce, Winter
Single Dosage Price: 3GCs (in season) and 14 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear, Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: I week, unless used as a poison
Skills: Heal Wounds or Prepare Poison, depending on purpose
Tests: Int
Effects: If used on the extremities in cold weather, a poultice of Zharroot can either prevent frostbite or alleviate the effects of it, restoring 1D3 W of damage cause by the cold.  This herb is also the main ingredient in the poison Trollbane, which affects Ogre, Troll, Giants, and Treemen.  After ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison, a Poison test must be passed or the creature is conscious, but groggy and disoriented (drowsy) with all percentage characteristics reduced buy 10 for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the creature’s T attribute.  If two or three doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the creature is rendered unconscious a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character is drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  Should four doses be taken then a Poison test must be passed or the creature dies.

Forests: Mixed


Availability: Scarce, Winter & Spring
Single Dosage Price: 15/- (in season) and 3 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Cure Disease
Tests: Int
Effects: The preparation halts the effects of infection when applied to an infected wound (WFRP1e, page 82).  It restores all lost Dex points in 1D6 x 10 game turns, but does not restore any Wounds.


Availability: Scarce, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 13 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Chemistry
Tests: Int
Effects: Used to restore sensation in cases of numbness caused by cold (including frostbite) or injury.  Causes the treated area to horribly itch within 1D6+4 minutes of application.  The affect lasts for 1D20+40 minutes, with the patient suffering a –20 modifier on all tests (halved on a successful WP test) from the distraction.


Availability: Rare, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 10 GCs (in season) and 30 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew, Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 week (unless used as Poison)
Skills: Manufacture Potion, Herb Lore, or Prepare Poison (depending upon usage)
Tests: Int
Effects: In small amounts, mandrake is an aphrodisiac and used in love potions.  An imbiber of the potion will view members of their preferred sex as if they have a +10 modifier to their respective Fel.  In slightly larger amounts, mandrake can be used to enhance the visions of those who have the Divination skill by adding a +10 modifier to their roll.  This herb is also the main ingredient in the poison Manbane, which affects Humans, Dwarfs, Halflings, and Gnomes.  After ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison, a Poison test must be passed or the character is rendered unconscious for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  Should two doses be taken then the characters must pass a Poison test or be paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  If more than two doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the character dies.


Availability: Plentiful, Autumn & Winter
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Inhale
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 12 hours
Skills: None
Tests: Patient’s T
Effects: When held under the nostrils of a stunned/concussed character, the patient must make a successful T test in order to regain consciousness in 1D4 rounds.


Availability: Very rare, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 10 GCs (in season) and 20 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 3 days
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: A spellcaster imbibing the mixture of Spellwort add 1D4 to the level of difficulty for any spell cast; this lasts as long (in hours) as T characteristic of the affected.  Anyone else drinking the concoction gains a +10 modifier to al WP tests against spells and magical effects for the next 1D4 hours.


Availability: Average, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 10/- (in season) and 3 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 week
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: When treated, heavily or severely wounded characters fall asleep for 24 hours, recovering 1 W if severely wounded or 1D3 W if heavily wounded upon waking.  The wounded character is thereafter treated as if lightly wounded (assuming the previously severely wounded character is not suffering from broken bones, etc. – the herb has no effect on this type of injury).


Availability: Very rare, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 3 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 1 week
Time between Dosage: 3 days
Skills: None
Tests: None
Effects: Neutralises the effects of alcohol.  A character eating one onion-like bulb suffers half the normal characteristics reductions as a result of alcohol.  The effects of this herb is cumulative with the Consume Alcohol skill.


Availability: Common, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 1 week
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: Restores 1 W point to lightly wounded characters.


Avermani Blueleaf

Availability: Scarce
Single Dosage Price: 2 GCs (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew, Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: 3 days to neutralise effects of deleriants, not applicable when used as a poison.
Skills: None or Prepare Poison (depending upon the applications)
Tests: Int
Effects: One dose of this herb steeped in hot water neutralises the effects of an equal dose of a drug, such as deleriants (addicts will need regular applications, one every three days).  This herb is also the main ingredient in the poison Beastbane, which affects most animals and monsters (including Beastmen and Skaven).  After ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison, a Poison test must be passed or the creature becomes groggy and disoriented (drowsy) with all percentage characteristics reduced buy 10 for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the creature’s T attribute.  Should two doses be taken then the creature must pass a Poison test or be paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus its T attribute, after which it remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  If more than three doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the creature dies.

Earth Root

Availability: Average, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Cure Disease
Tests: Int
Effects: This herb is an effective treatment for Black Plague (WFRP1e, page 82).  For each day during the disease’s active period that a patient receives a dose, that character gains a +10 modifier on all tests to determine the effects of the Black Plague.  In addition, application of the herb at the start of the recovery period gives a modifier of +20 to both Risk tests.

Lady's Mantle

Availability: Common, Spring/Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: In a brew, the leaves of this herb restore 1 W as well as settle upset stomachs..


Availability: Scarce, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 5 GCs (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: Not applicable
Skills: Prepare Poison
Tests: Int
Effects: After consuming one dose of this deleriant, a character must make a successful Poison test or become drowsy for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute.  If more than one dose is taken, then the characters must pass a Poison test or become paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.


Availability: Rare, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 10/- (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 days
Time between Dosage: 3 days
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: When brewed, this herb is a very good sedative and sleeping draught.  It takes effect 2D10+10 minutes after drinking, bringing on normal sleep.  For the first four hours, the patient falls into a deep sleep with only half the chance of being awaken by noise.  If the patient is awakened during this time, she remains drowsy (as if poisoned) for 2D10 minutes unless she makes a successful T test (+10 for Immunity to Poison).  The patient can test every half hour to shake off the effects of drowsiness.  After four hours, the effects of the herb wear off and the patient sleeps normally.


Availability: Scarce, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 5 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: A mild stimulant, this herb increases a character’s I score by +10 for 1D6+4 minutes.  When this time elapses, the character must pass a T test (+10 for Immunity to Poison) or become drowsy for 2D6 – T hours.


Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew, Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: In a poultice, the herb can reduce swelling and bleeding, restoring 1 W.  In a brew, the herb lowers fever, even those caused by infections.

Zitterwort (or Agurk)

Availability: Rare, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 1 GC (in season) and 5GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Inhale
Preparation: 1 week
Time between Dosage: 1 week
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: This herb is useful for improving circulation and sweating out a heavy cold (though it should not be used when the patient has a fever).  Inhaling fumes causes mild shaking (Dex-20) for 1D4 hours unless a successful T test is made (+10 for Immunity to Poison).



Availability: Very rare (also found in forest clearings), Autumn & Winter
Single Dosage Price: 5 GCs (in season) and 20 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Blade Venom, Brew, Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: not applicable against Undead, 1 week to treat disease
Skills: Herb Lore or Prepare Poison, depending on purpose
Tests: Int
Effects: Halves healing time when used in treating infected wounds and adds a +20 bonus to a patient’s T test against a permanent W loss.  When used to combat Tomb Rot, adds a +20 modifier to all tests made by the patient.  After an Undead creature ingests or is infected with one dose of the poison, that creature must move away from the source of the poison for one round and may (at the GM’s discretion) pass a WP test to approach that source again.  If two or more doses are administered, then the Undead creature crumbles into dust.



Availability: Common, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 10/- (in season) and 2 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: A brew made from the flowers of this herb normalises the blood pressure of the imbiber: lowering if too high, increasing if too low.  It also has the side effect of making wizards dizzy and unable to focus on casting spells for 1D6 minutes.  It has no such affect on priests.


Availability: Very rare, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 10 GCs (in season) and 60 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: None (eaten raw)
Time between Dosage: see below
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: This herb remains effective for three days after picking. Each dose allows a spellcaster to subtract one point from the casting difficulty level.  The spellcaster should roll 1D6 with each dose consumed; if the number is less than dosages already taken that day, the dose has no further effect.

Speckled Rustwort

Availability: Rare, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 2 GCS (in season) and 8 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Cure Disease
Tests: Int
Effects: This plant is used to treat Red Pox (WFRP1e, page 83).  So long as the patient receives one dose per day while the disease lasts, the period of illness is reduced by 50%.


Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: In addition to being a cooking herb, Thyme can be used in a brew as an effective medicine for cough, whooping cough, and bronchitis.  In addition, the brew promotes sweating and helps bring down fever.


Availability: Scarce, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 2 GCs (in season) and 4 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 3 weeks
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: This herb is a stimulant and allows the patient to gain the benefits of resting (such as regaining 1 W) for the next 8 hours when undertaking any activity other than combat.  If the patient actually rests for the 8 hours, then the benefits are doubled.  When the dose wears off, the patient suffers a splitting headache for 1D4 hours with a –10 modifier to both Int and Fel.

Marshes (Bogs, Swamps) and Riverbanks

Adder's Root

Availability: Rare, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 5 GCs (in season) and 10 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: Not applicable
Skills: Prepare Poison
Tests: Int
Effects: After consuming one dose of this deleriant, a character must make a successful Poison test or become drowsy for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute.  Should two doses be taken then the characters must pass a Poison test or become paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  If more than two doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the character dies.


Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 10/- (in season) and 2 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest, Smear
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Cure Disease
Tests: Int
Effects: If used twice a day for two weeks, this herb increases the T test for a victim of consumption by +20 in resisting the effects of the disease.  As a poultice, this herb can be used to treat infected wounds and rash, modifying the chance of infection by -10%.


Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Inhale
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: None
Effects: When treated, lightly wounded characters recover 1 W point that day, provided that they do not lose any more wounds.  This is in addition to natural healing rates.


Availability: Rare, Autumn

Single Dosage Price: 10 GC (in season) and 15 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 2 weeks
Skills: Chemistry or Prepare Poisons
Tests: Int
Effects: This herb is a mild nerve toxin with a distinctive bitter taste when added to drink (+10 if character tasted it before).  This herb is generally used for those who need to overcome the pain of infected wounds so they can sleep.  Any character drinking a mixture of Slowmind must pass a T test (+10 for Immunity to Poison) or suffer –10 modifier to Int and WP for 2D10+4 hours. 


Availability: Common, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 10/- (in season) and 2 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1/2 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: The bark is used to make a brew that relieves pain (including rheumatic) and fever.  If the imbiber is lightly wounded, then this herb has the effect of temporarily restoring 1 W for half a day.



Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear, Brew
Preparation: 3 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: Int
Effects: In a poultice, the herb can restore 1 W.  For burn injuries, this herb can restore 2 W.  As a brew, the flowers of the herb increase the blood circulation of the heart.  An overdose of the herb causes dizziness and a change of heartbeat.


Availability: Rare, Summer and Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 4 GCs (in season) and 16 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear, Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day to heal wounds, not applicable against Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, or Snotlings
Skills: Heal Wounds or Prepare Poison, depending on purpose
Tests: Int
Effects: This is a healing herb for Humans, Dwarfs, Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes while functioning as a poison for the Goblin races (Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Snotlings).  In the first case, the herb can restore 1D3 W to lightly wounded characters when smeared on the wound.  Greenskins ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison must pass a Poison test or fall unconscious for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus their T attribute, after which the creature remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  Should two doses be taken then the creature must pass a Poison test or become paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus its T attribute, after which it remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  If more than two doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the creature dies.


Availability: Very rare, Spring
Single Dosage Price: 5 GCs (in season) and 20 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Smear
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 3 days
Skills: Heal Wounds
Tests: None
Effects: Application of herb stops all bleeding automatically.  Should the patient require surgery, the herb will keep the character in stable condition for up to 48 hours.

Moutain Pansy

Availability: Very Rare, Autumn
Single Dosage Price: 6GCs (in season) and 25 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day to heal wounds, not applicable as a Poison
Skills: Heal Wounds, Prepare Poison (depending upon usage)
Tests: Int
Effects: If administered within 5 rounds of ingesting Manbane (one round if a fatal dosage is taken), this herb neutralises an equal dosage of the poison taken by Human, Dwarf, Halfling, or Gnome characters. This herb is also the main ingredient in the poison Elfbane, which affects Elf characters.  After ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison, a Poison test must be passed or the Elf character becomes paralysed for a number of hours equal to 1D8+4 minus the character’s T attribute, after which the character remains drowsy for an additional 1D6 hours.  If more than two doses are taken, then a Poison test must be passed or the Elf character dies.


Availability: Common, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 5/- (in season) and 1 GC (out of season)
Method of Application: Brew
Preparation: 2 weeks
Time between Dosage: 1 day
Skills: None
Tests: Int
Effects: In additional to being a cooking herb, a brew of Sage can be used to cure a sore throat, infected gums and even tonsillitis.

Wolfsbane (Monkshood)

Availability: Scarce, Summer
Single Dosage Price: 15 GCs (in season) and 30 GCs (out of season)
Method of Application: Ingest, Blade Venom
Preparation: 4 weeks
Time between Dosage: Not applicable
Skills: Prepare Poison
Tests: Int
Effects: The presence of this plant repels werecreatures, forcing them to make a WP test to come within 5 yards of it.  This herb is also the main ingredient in the poison Truefoil.  After ingesting or being infected with one dose of the poison, the werecreature must move away from the source of the poison for one round and may (at the GM’s discretion) pass a WP test to approach that source again.  If two or more doses are administered, then the were creature reverts to its human form and must make a WP test to change form again.

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